After 10 years, the Ngangela speakers of Angola finally have the New Testament in their heart language!

A short time ago, a group gathered to celebrate the long-awaited launch of Scripture in a language spoken by about 900,000 people.

Augusto Mayapa, age 63, says, “The translation took us 10 years of work. It was difficult, but I am so glad to see the New Testament printed and being distributed to the community. Today, the Ngangela New Testament has been delivered to the people who were waiting for it!”

Augusto is one of the translators who worked diligently on the translation. The full Bible is due for completion in 2023.

Despite many challenges — including technical difficulties, accidents, and illness — the group persevered. Team member Fernando Michato says, “I was run over and fractured a leg, and I still have a limp. But I never got discouraged. God helped me, and I feel a lot of strength to continue my work as a translator. Everywhere we passed, we saw the joy and hope in the work we were doing.”

Domingas, age 17, attended the launch and was thrilled to receive her New Testament. “It’s the first time I’ve held any Scriptures in Ngangela in my hands!” she says. “To me, this New Testament means salvation. It will guide and instruct me.”

The ongoing support of our generous financial partners makes all our Bible translation efforts possible, and we thank them for investing in Bible translation for people like the Ngangela speakers of Angola.