Victor* lost all the family he’s ever known. He worked in a shoe shop, but he lost his job as well. Now 77 years old, he moved into a nursing home some years ago when he had nowhere else to go. There Victor found comfort and belonging through his Bible and his daily visits to church.

He was devastated when the war in Syria displaced him from his nursing home. A rocket hit the building, killing two of his friends, and Victor had to flee with only the clothes on his back. He shares, “I left all my belongings in that nursing home. I couldn’t bring anything with me. I lost the only photo I have of my family … also my precious book, my Bible. I had no money to get a new one.”

But one day, Victor received a gift from the Bible Society — a new Bible. “Even though I have nothing left, I now own a new Bible,” he says. “I can feel joy again by reading God’s Word daily.”

Victor is just one of countless Christians living in dangerous conditions and unrest. For Victor, the threat was war. Others are persecuted for their faith in regions not open to Christianity. American Bible Society is working to place God’s Word in the hands and hearts of those crying out — including refugees, the displaced and those facing persecution.

The support of American Bible Society’s financial partners is helping to change lives in Syria and around the world through Scripture. As we continue reaching out together, we pray these vulnerable populations continue to have faith and hope for a safer life, rooted in Christ’s love. Please join us in praying to that end!

*Name changed for security.