Is there any internal Scriptural evidence that the Gospel of John was written later than the Synoptic Gospels? — Robert Randle, by e-mail
I would call your attention to two things that point to a later date for John's Gospel. First, there are three passages in John's Gospel that allude to the banning of Jewish believers in Christ as the Messiah from synagogues (9.22; 12.42 and 16.2). This is a practice that occurred after the A.D. 70 destruction of the Temple by the Romans. Second, there is no mention in John's Gospel of the scribes, Sadducees and Herodians (all of whom are mentioned in the Synoptics.) This would point to a later date for John's writing, as only the Pharisees maintained and enhanced their influence in the Jewish community after the destruction of the Temple.
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