Laurena* was raised in a Christian home in Central Africa. However, like others in her region who do not have access to Bibles, her family often mixed elements of Christianity with local cultural beliefs. Laurena had frequent nightmares as a child and explains, “We used to consult witch doctors because I was afraid to sleep at night.”
That began to change the day a friend invited Laurena to attend an audio Bible listening session. Hearing God’s Word in her heart language strengthened Laurena’s faith and gave her the courage to rely entirely on God. “I was finally able to sleep without nightmares,” she shares.
Thanks to the help faithful partners like you, many in Central Africa are receiving print and audio Bibles that are transforming lives and drawing people to Jesus.
Plagued by extreme poverty and illiteracy, men in Central Africa like Yannick* had few options for finding peace or experiencing the love of God. Now, Yannick is a changed man, thanks to the audio Bibles you help deliver. “I was a very angry, selfish, and impatient person,” he shares. “Thank God things have changed in me. I now want to help others know God by listening to His Word.”
Thank you for helping provide the Word of God in the heart language of people in Central Africa and throughout the world! Now, many more men, women, and children can come to know Christ as their Savior and grow in their faith.
*Names changed to protect privacy.