When Huidai* found the hope of Scripture, she wanted to share it with the love of her life, her husband Chang*. But he wasn’t having any of it. Her persistence and enthusiasm didn’t make the situation any better.
Huidai began to badger her husband and even invited her preacher to her home to talk to him. Chang was furious! He said, “You are crazy; don’t make me crazy too!”
The concerned wife stopped pressuring her husband and let her actions speak louder than words. She put her husband’s soul in God’s hands. But she did tell Chang that she believed God would protect him because of her faithfulness.
Huidai had no idea how true her words would be. One day, Chang was driving a tractor full of produce and accidentally flipped it over. He lay trapped underneath the heavy equipment wondering if his life would end, just as other friends’ lives had on this rough, dangerous road.
Miraculously, he was rescued unharmed! At that moment, Chang remembered his wife’s words and wanted to know more about God.
Through the support of friends like you, the couple received a Bible of their own and began studying God’s Word. They read Scripture together and wanted to know God more intimately.
“This book means everything to us,” the couple says. “Being able to read the Bible each day has given us a solid marriage. By following the principles of His Word, our family is now living in harmony. What we have learned from God’s Word, we must share with others in our village.”
We so appreciate our financial partners for placing Scripture in the hands and hearts of people in China like Huidai and Chang who long to know the truth.
*Names changed to protect privacy.