PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 20, 2018—
The central inspiration for Martin Luther King Jr.‘s involvement in the civil rights movement was his faith and understanding of the Bible. The messages of hope and justice King found in the Bible spurred him to be a great advocate for freedom. To honor his regard for Scripture, celebrate Black History Month and recognize the impact of King’s life, American Bible Society is commemorating the 50th anniversary of his assassination with a robust campaign aimed at providing a greater understanding and connection to the messages of freedom found in the pages of God’s Word.
“Dr. King was a gifted orator, challenging teacher, peaceful leader and Baptist preacher. Today he is considered one of the most significant figures in recent history. Sometimes overlooked in our remembrances of Dr. King, however, are his undying devotion to the Scriptures and the influence the Bible had on his life,” said Rev. Dr. Nicole Martin, senior Metro Ministry mobilizer, American Bible Society. “We developed a reading plan, scholarship contest and upcoming local events to help a new generation connect to the stories and passages that influenced Dr. King. We want to honor a different side of him and reflect on his impact on our nation’s past, present and future.”
Anyone can sign up to follow a unique, Bible-reading, online experience throughout February. High school students are encouraged to participate in a scholarship competition by submitting an essay or spoken-word performance. Detailed instructions for participation in both can be found at MLK.Bible.
Additionally, in New York and Charlotte, North Carolina, special events featuring local faith leaders are taking place in April to observe the anniversary of King’s death.
Rev. Elaine Flake, co-pastor of Greater Allen Cathedral (April 3)
Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts, senior pastor of Abyssinian Baptist Church (April 4)
Bishop Jackie McCullough, senior pastor of The International Gathering at Beth Rapha (April 4)
“King and the King: A Courageous Conversation About MLK, Faith and the Future”
April 3, 6 – 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 5 p.m.)
April 4, 7 – 9 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
Abyssinian Baptist Church
132 Odell Park Place
New York, NY 10030
Joe Clifford, senior pastor of Myers Park Presbyterian Church
Donnie Garris, moderator of the United Missionary Baptist Association
Dwayne Walker, senior pastor of Little Rock AME Zion Church
Rev. Dr. Nicole Martin, senior Metro Ministry mobilizer, American Bible Society
“Reviving the Dream: Commemorating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”
April 14, 9 a.m. – noon
Little Rock AME Zion Church
401 N McDowell St
Charlotte, NC 28204