Guía de estudio bíblico: Nehemías

¿Por qué el libro de Nehemías es especial? Nehemías, junto con Esdras (los cuales eran originalmente un libro), es especial porque es nuestra única fuente bíblica para conocer este período de la historia de Israel y porque Nehemías mismo es un gran ejemplo de liderazgo y de cómo… Read More


Nehemiah faced great opposition to the task God gave him. Yet, with God’s help he succeeded. Read his book to find out how. What makes Nehemiah special? Nehemiah, together with Ezra (they were originally one book), is special because it is our only biblical source for this period of Israelite… Read More


Going home can be an exciting time. As you read Ezra, look for the different experiences God’s people had when they returned with Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. What makes Ezra special? Ezra and the next book in the Bible, Nehemiah, were originally one book. Together they make up the most… Read More

Salt and Light: Respect

The life of Nehemiah offers a case study of the results of treating others with respect. Download this resource

Historical Books

Christians call the Old Testament books that follow the Pentateuch, beginning with Joshua and ending with Esther, the Historical Books. These books describe Israel’s history as a people in the land of Canaan. The final book of the Pentateuch, Deuteronomy, ends with the tribes of Israel camped in… Read More