Guía de estudio bíblico:Números

¿Por qué Números es especial? El título «Números» viene de los nombres griego (arithmoi) y latino (numeri) para este libro. El título en hebreo se basa en una palabra que significa «en el desierto». Ambos títulos reflejan el contenido del libro. Muchas listas de grupos y números de… Read More

Study Series: Numbers

A three-page study sheet with discussion questions on the book of Numbers. Download this resource

Bible Study Guide: Numbers

Numbers follows the Israelites as they wander in the desert. Numbers has… numbers. But it also includes the story of a talking donkey, water flowing from a rock and quail raining out of the sky. What makes Numbers special? The title “Numbers” comes from the Greek ( Arithmoi )… Read More

The Pentateuch

The “Pentateuch” is a term used to describe the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis—Deuteronomy). In the Jewish Scriptures these books are referred to as the Law, or Torah, a Hebrew word that means “guide” or “instruction”. The “Pentateuch” is a term used to describe the first… Read More


The Law refers to the commandments Moses received from God on Mt. Sinai. These instructions governed Israel’s behavior throughout the Old Testament. Read more about the purpose of the Law and how that purpose changed with the coming of Jesus. The Hebrew word that is often translated “Law”… Read More