Guía de estudio bíblico: Tito

¿Por qué la carta a Titoes especial? Tito era un amigo cercano de Paul que trabajó con él en Asia menor y Grecia y que tenía relación con la Iglesia de Corinto (véase 2 Corintios 2:13; 7:5-7, 13-15; 8:6, 16-24; 12:14-18; Gal 2:1-3). Al parecer, Tito recibió esta… Read More

Guía de estudios bíblicos: Romanos

¿Por qué la carta a los Romanos es especial? El experto en el Nuevo Testamento, James Edwards, describe la carta a los Romanos como «la exposición más convincente del evangelio de la gracia de la salvación por la fe que jamás se haya escrito». Entre todas las… Read More

Salt and Light: Respect

The life of Nehemiah offers a case study of the results of treating others with respect. Download this resource

Bible Study Guide: Romans

Paul wrote this book as a letter to the young church in Rome. In the letter, he explains the relationship of the Old Testament Law with the grace that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. What makes Romans unique? New Testament scholar James Edwards describes Romans as “the… Read More

Spiritual Gifts

What are the spiritual gifts? How are they supposed to help the church? Learn more about the types of spiritual gifts and their role in the church. The Greek word charisma is most often translated as “spiritual gifts” in 1 Corinthians 12:1 and elsewhere in the New Testament. It… Read More