A child in Paraguay feels God’s love

When Marcel’s* parents separated, the young boy was crushed. His father moved away, leaving Marcel sad and lonely. He began to act out, struggling to make sense of his feelings. “I felt sad all the time,” Marcel remembers. He didn’t know if his father would ever come home… Read More

Parenting with Confidence

I didn’t know my heart could be so full. One look at my newborn’s tiny face, and I knew all my future choices would revolve around how best to care and provide for that little one. As I studied those little hands and feet, I was struck by the great… Read More

How to Have Grace for Yourself as a Parent

In retrospect, my parenting résumé doesn’t look too bad. I’ve raised three kids into successful adults who now love and care for their own families. Everyone turned out okay, but sometimes that was despite me. I’ll never forget how angelic they looked when they were sleeping.  Shouldn’t it follow… Read More

Feel Like a Bad Parent? Find Assurance in God’s Word

She put her hands on her hips, and spat out, “All my friends think you’re cool, but they don’t know you like I do!” Then she turned and stomped up the steps. Ah, my first born. She was generally a rule-follower and very compliant, but I had apparently crossed some… Read More

Ukraine: Children’s Bibles heal internally displaced families.

Ukrainian Bible Society continues to minister to families forced to leave their homes due to the fighting between separatists and pro-government troops in Eastern Ukraine. With support from American Bible Society’s financial partners, Ukrainian Bible Society has distributed Scripture Portions for various age groups, with a special focus on displaced… Read More

Orphans Meet Jesus

Jeremiah was a small boy when his mother died. But he was old enough to feel his heart breaking. “After my mother’s death, nobody loved me,” Jeremiah explains. At first, the devastated child was sent to live with his uncle in a small village in Bangladesh. His house was… Read More

How an Orphan in Bangladesh Found the Hope She Needed

Johanna, an orphan who lives in a children’s home in Bangladesh, has endured emotional pain her entire life. Mary, who teaches at Johanna’s children’s home, says: “The orphan children have many problems. They cannot grow well” physically or spiritually. Because of the generosity of our financial partners, American Bible Society… Read More