In the Arabian Gulf region, non-nationals often outnumber nationals. Fleeing poverty in other countries, they journey to find work in the Gulf region that is typically deemed “dirty, dangerous, and demanding,” as well as degrading and demeaning.   But many migrant laborers — like Arpith*, Etasha*, and Vihaan* — are… Read More


In remote desert regions of the Middle East, Telgu men like Krish* and Arjun* labor in the fields 12 hours a day, 365 days a year. They work far from their families in India so they can earn enough money to send home. Krish describes the joy he experienced when… Read More

“The Audio Bible Was a Great Comfort.”

Every day in the Arabian Gulf, migrant workers must endure awful, life-threatening working conditions — Mahesh* knows this well. While at work, Mahesh was crushed by a beam and narrowly escaped death. He spent a long recovery period in the hospital for his internal injuries, but he only grew… Read More

He Saw a Bright Light Coming from the Bible…

When Arman* was in prison, he learned divination from his cellmate. Once his sentence ended, Arman used those techniques and made his basement a space for fortune-telling. One woman approached him, believing a Bible her older sister had received from the Bible Society had cursed the two of them. Read More

Faith in Christ is spreading like wildfire in Iran!

Parisa* was born into a devout Muslim family in Iran. As a young teenager, she was forced to marry a much older man who severely and regularly abused her. She eventually managed to escape to another town, but she was taken in by a man who forced her into prostitution. Read More

“I tried to reach God through other religions.”

“I come from a strict religious family.” Those words formed the background for everything 77-year-old Omar* was about to share. As he calmly took a sip of his tea, he continued, “You won’t believe all the religious books about the afterlife I read, all the questions I discussed with… Read More

“He has been asking about God and the Bible.”

For many years, millions of Middle Eastern refugees have been forced to flee their countries to escape war and persecution. Many struggle to survive financially, and the effects of both the pandemic and the lockdown have only caused more stress and heartache. Many of these refugees are children. Read More

She experienced pain that no child should . . .

Nadia’s* childhood was a nightmare. She grew up in a volatile region of the Middle East where the persecution of Christian families like hers was unbearable. “They threatened my father three times and wanted the church to stop holding prayer meetings. Terrorists kidnapped him. My father was… Read More

“We saw horrible things . . .”

Caught between an angry government and violent rebel forces, Kasim* and his family were no longer safe in their Syrian home. When the militia entered the city where they lived, “the Syrian government started to shell us with rockets,” he recalls. “Shells hit us from every side. Our neighbors… Read More