Trusting God with Your Generosity: 2 Corinthians 9:7–8
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:7–8 NKJV In this letter to the Corinthians,…
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Celebrating International Day of the Bible
Do you love the Bible? Well here’s some exciting news. On November 29, 2020, you are invited to express your love for Scripture as we celebrate International Day of the Bible. International Day of the Bible is part of National Bible Week. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first declared National Bible Week in 1941 during World War II. After one of…
READ MOREHow Gratitude Can Help You this Thanksgiving
It has been a rough year. One no one could have ever predicted. For many of us, gratitude isn’t at the forefront of our minds. But this is exactly when we should count our blessings! Giving thanks in the midst of pain and agony isn’t an easy thing to do. Just ask King David in the Bible. He faced many…
READ MOREHow to Persevere in Hard Times
At some point this year, you’ve probably uttered the words, “How long O Lord?”. We’ve all prayed for an end to the pandemic and unrest. We’ve all hoped that God will magically hit the stop button, and snatch us out of what feels like a horror story. Yet, the Bible warns us that in this life we will have trouble.…
READ MOREPraying for the Nyaneka-Mwila People of Angola
The Nyaneka-Mwila people live in Angola’s southwestern highlands. They are a semi-nomadic people who farm, raise animals, and then move when there’s a need for better grazing and hunting. The predominant beliefs of the Nyaneka-Mwila people are animism and ancestor worship with a heavy reliance on spells, rituals, dark magic, and witchcraft. But today there is a growing population of…
READ MOREAudio Bibles Share God’s Hope with Mexicans
Sebastian lives in the Mexican state of Chiapas. He normally attends church with his wife, daughter, and three grandchildren, but recent health issues have confined him to his home. Sebastian doesn’t own a Bible. He misses hearing God’s Word in his native language of Chol de Tumbalá. Chol de Tumbalá is a Mayan language spoken by approximately 115,000 people. Bible…
READ MOREThe Prayer Snapshot: “My First Bible”
If you grew up in a Christian home you may have received your first Bible when you were a young child, or perhaps when you were a teenager. But did you know that there are Christians around the world who have never had access to God’s Word? They are still waiting for their first Bible. People like Yaofang. Yaofang is…
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