Psalms for Encouragement: Psalm 77:10 NKJV
And I said, “This is my anguish; But I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High.” Psalm 77:10 NKJV When we’re discouraged, we can express our thoughts and worries to God and trust that he hears, listens, and cares. Focusing on the good he has already done in our lives helps lift our spirits…
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The Impact of Small Group Discipleship
American Bible Society’s newly released State of the Bible 2020 ebook has been a real eye opener! The first 5 chapters reveal cultural trends in the U.S. regarding spirituality and how Americans relate to the Bible not only in previous years but in this especially difficult pandemic year. Now you can access chapter 6 entitled, Scripture Engagement and Discipleship. In…
20 Scriptures that Teach Us How to Pray for Justice
In this world where there is discrimination of all kinds, unfair labor laws, and racial and economic injustices, we long for Biblical justice. As Christians, our hearts long to see the justice that God intended for all people. When God created humans in his image, he wanted all humans to be treated with fairness and justice. Sadly, this isn’t always…
The Prayer Snapshot: “Speaking the Same Language”
When I was 22, I went on my first mission trip to Peru. I was looking forward to sharing the gospel, especially since I am of Peruvian descent and could speak Spanish. But when I arrived, I was stunned to learn – these Peruvians didn’t speak Spanish! In Peru’s central highlands and coast, the people speak Quechua. Quechua is an…
Praise God! One Million New Testaments for Latin America
In late 2019, 11 Bible Societies came together with one mission in mind – to saturate Latin America with God’s Word. And they did just that! Together, the Bible Societies of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela distributed more than one million New Testaments. This incredible feat was made possible through the generous donation…
The Results are in! 2020 Prayer Survey
Thank you for sharing your hearts with the Prayer Team. This growing prayer community never ceases to inspire us! In addition to all that is on your prayer list, you shared several ways you pray with us for Bible ministry around the world. To see what tops your prayer list and how this community wants to engage in prayer, you…
Why You Should Never Stop Praying
Prayer is a beautiful thing. It’s how we connect to our creator and draw near to him. But prayer can also be exhausting. Especially when you’ve prayed for a particular situation for a long time and there is still no breakthrough. You may start to wonder, “Why bother?”, “Will it ever change?”, “Does God even hear me?” Yet Scripture reminds…
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