Use these fun activities to celebrate the Advent season with your family or Sunday School class.

Advent “Chain of Stars”

(By participating in this activity throughout the four weeks in Advent, you will have a chain of 28 stars that can be used as a Christmas garland.)

Supplies needed: Bible; 5-point star pattern (about 3″ wide); yellow construction paper; scissors; pencils/pens; marker; hole puncher; yarn, narrow ribbon, or string.

1st Sunday in Advent
The first Sunday in Advent is the Sunday of Hope. Trace and cut out seven stars; on four of them write the letters H O P E (the other three stars will remain blank). Punch holes at the top of each star. Each day, throughout the week, a star will be added to the chain and will be linked with yarn, ribbon, or string. Begin with two “blank” stars and save the third blank star for the end. Incorporate the Advent “Chain of Stars” into your family devotions. Read the Scripture passage indicated for each day of the week, and then add a star to the chain. On the back of each star, write the Scripture citation. Conclude with a prayer and invite everyone to respond at the end, “AMEN! COME LORD JESUS!” (If you are using an Advent Wreath during family devotional time, light the first candle prior to the Scripture reading for the day.)

Scripture Readings for the First Week in Advent:

  • Sunday Jeremiah 31:31-40
  • Monday Jeremiah 33:14-26
  • Tuesday Isaiah 40:1-11
  • Wednesday Psalm 33
  • Thursday Psalm 130
  • Friday Romans 5:1-11
  • Saturday 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

2nd Sunday in Advent
The second Sunday in Advent is the Sunday of Peace. Trace and cut out seven stars; on five of them write the letters P E A C E (the other two stars will remain blank). Punch holes at the top of each star. Each day, throughout the week, a star will be added to the chain and will be linked with yarn, ribbon, or string. Begin with one “blank” star and save the second blank star for the end. Incorporate the Advent “Chain of Stars” into your family devotions. Read the Scripture passage indicated for each day of the week, and then add a star to the chain. On the back of each star, write the Scripture citation. Conclude with a prayer and invite everyone to respond at the end, “AMEN! COME LORD JESUS!” (If you are using an Advent Wreath during family devotional time, light the first two candles prior to the Scripture reading for the day.)

Scripture Readings for the Second Week in Advent:

  • Sunday Isaiah 2:1-5
  • Monday Isaiah 11:1-9
  • Tuesday Isaiah 54:11-17
  • Wednesday Ezekiel 34:11-31
  • Thursday Zechariah 8:9-17
  • Friday Psalm 85
  • Saturday 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

3rd Sunday in Advent
The third Sunday in Advent is the Sunday of Joy. Trace and cut out seven stars; on three of them write the letters J O Y (the other four stars will remain blank). Punch holes at the top of each star. Each day, throughout the week, a star will be added to the chain and will be linked with yarn, ribbon, or string. Begin with two “blank” stars and save two blank stars for the end. Incorporate the Advent “Chain of Stars” into your family devotions. Read the Scripture passage indicated for each day of the week, and then add a star to the chain. On the back of each star, write the Scripture citation. Conclude with a prayer and invite everyone to respond at the end, “AMEN! COME LORD JESUS!” (If you are using an Advent Wreath during family devotional time, light the first three candles prior to the Scripture reading for the day.)

Scripture Readings for the Third Week in Advent:

  • Sunday Luke 3:7-18
  • Monday Isaiah 12:1-6
  • Tuesday Isaiah 52:1-12
  • Wednesday Psalm 126
  • Thursday Zechariah 9:9-17
  • Friday Zephaniah 3:14-20
  • Saturday Philippians 4:4-9

4th Sunday in Advent
The fourth Sunday in Advent is the Sunday of LOVE. Trace and cut out seven stars; on four of them write the letters LO V E (the other three stars will remain blank). Punch holes at the top of each star. Each day, throughout the week, a star will be added to the chain and will be linked with yarn, ribbon, or string. Begin with the letter “L” and save three blank stars for the end. Incorporate the Advent “Chain of Stars” into your family devotions. Read the Scripture passage indicated for each day of the week, and then add a star to the chain. On the back of each star, write the Scripture citation. Conclude with a prayer and invite everyone to respond at the end, “AMEN! COME LORD JESUS!” (If you are using an Advent Wreath during family devotional time, light the four candles prior to the Scripture reading for the day; on Christmas Eve, add a fifth white candle, the “Christ” candle, in the center of your wreath.)

Scripture Readings for the Fourth Week in Advent and the first days of Christmas:

  • Sunday Luke 1:26-38
  • Monday Luke 1:39-56
  • Tuesday Luke 1:57-80
  • Wednesday Luke 2:1-20
  • Thursday John 1:1-18
  • Friday Titus 2:11-14
  • Saturday Psalm 98