Stephen, the first Christian martyr, is best known for his death. But he also lived an inspiring life of trust in Christ and dedication to the gospel. Read more about Stephen.

The Martyr

The story of St. Stephen can be found in Acts 6:1-8:3. He was one of the first seven deacons appointed by the apostles to serve the Greek-speaking widows and orphans of the Christian community. He also shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who would listen. It was obvious that he knew his Jewish heritage and was able to show how the life of Christ fulfilled the Scriptures.

Stephen was falsely accused of blasphemy and taken before the Jewish authorities. He pleaded his case well, but the political factions that opposed Christian teachings called for his stoning. He was taken outside the gates of Jerusalem and stoned to death. He forgave those who killed him in the name of Jesus.

Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Stephen’s zeal for spreading the Gospel frightened those were trying to keep order in Jerusalem by oppressing the movement of the Holy Spirit. But the Spirit of God cannot be contained. Christians are called to look for the movement of the Spirit in any age and work to further the freedom that it produces. We can do that through prayer, study, and discerning the call of God.

Reflect on the Word

Here is a true message: If we died with Christ, we will live with him. If we don’t give up, we will rule with him. If we deny that we know him, he will deny that he knows us. If we are not faithful, he will still be faithful. Christ cannot deny who he is.

2 Timothy 2:11-13,(CEV)