Make these fun cards to remind your family of the joy and celebration of Easter.

Supplies needed:  Bible; 8-1/2″ x 11″ construction paper (assorted colors); Easter symbol patterns (butterfly, cross, egg, flowers, sunrise); pens or pencils; crayons; markers; glitter or stickers (optional); scissors; glue or paste.

Fold a sheet of construction paper in half.  Across the top of the front side write the words “Raised to Life” and decorate the cover of the card with any of the symbols of Easter.  Cut out the symbols from other sheets of construction paper, or trace or draw the symbols with crayons or markers.  Add glitter or stickers (optional).  On the inside, copy 1 Corinthians 15:3b, 4 and write your own Easter greeting.  Gather the cards and deliver them to a local hospital, nursing home, or rehabilitation center.  Conclude by reading together 1 Corinthians 15:1-7.  At the end of the reading, invite everyone to respond together:  “ALLELUIA!  CHRIST HAS BEEN RAISED TO LIFE!”