Easter is a time of rejoicing over Jesus’ resurrection. Use this montage to reflect on the joy of the holiday.
Supplies needed: Bible; poster board (approximately 17″ x 22″); old magazines; construction paper (assorted colors); markers; pens or pencils; scissors; glue or paste.
Across the top of the poster board write verse 24 of Psalm 118. Underneath the Bible verse, write “WE ARE EASTER PEOPLE.” Look through old magazines for pictures that depict the spirit of people rejoicing on the Lord’s Day. Decorate the poster with the symbols of Easter (cross, sunrise, flowers, butterflies, eggs) made from construction paper. Display the poster throughout the Easter season in a place where you gather for family devotions. Read together Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 and repeat verse 24 as a litany response after verses 2 and 20. Sing together one of your favorite Easter hymns.