Journey through a printable prayer maze as you bring your thoughts and worries to God.
What do you think of when you hear the word “labyrinth”?
Perhaps you think of elaborate French 18
th century mazes. Or maybe it conjures up memories of movies where protagonists lose their way in terror-filled labyrinths and fear they may never escape.
For many of us, labyrinths represent confusion and the unwelcome experience of feeling lost. But labyrinths haven’t always been portrayed this way.
What is a prayer labyrinth?
Prayer labyrinths are walkable mazes placed or built into cathedral floors. In early and mediaeval Christianity, prayer labyrinths were used as a common meditative practice. Pilgrims would walk through concentric circles to the labyrinth’s center on a symbolic journey to Jerusalem. Their time in the labyrinth was often used to name their worries, center their thoughts, and give their burdens to God.
The earliest Christian labyrinth was created in North Africa during the 4
th century AD. Intricate labyrinths still live on the floors of cathedrals around the world today. Even some modern churches have labyrinths.
How do I use a printable prayer labyrinth?
You don’t have to fly to a mediaeval cathedral to journey through a prayer labyrinth. All you need is the document below, your finger, and an eager mind.
Here’s how it works:
- Stage One: Place your finger on the outside entrance of the labyrinth and trace its inward journey to the center of the maze. As you move toward the center, quiet your mind. Allow yourself to confront your innermost worries and fears. Begin naming them to God, who is walking alongside you as a guide and companion.
- Stage Two: You have reached the center of the labyrinth pattern. You may arrive with an insight, or feel a sense of peace or joy at completing your journey in. This is a time to receive whatever God has for you. Take the time to stop and pray, expressing what is on your heart.
- Stage Three: Keeping your finger on the pattern, begin moving away from the center back towards the entrance. Reflect on your experience and prepare to go back into your day. Take a greater awareness of God’s presence with you.
Ready to begin your prayer labyrinth journey?
Download Your Prayer Labyrinth
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