What questions should you ask yourself when picking out a Bible? Find out here.
No one English translation of the Bible is the absolute best. Each one has its strengths, as well as its weaknesses. Any one translation may be better than another for a particular situation or purpose.
An important factor is the preference of a particular denomination, local church, or Christian group. This preference may influence your choice of a particular version or limit the choice to a certain range of versions. If this situation is not a factor for you, take a step back and think about the wide range of choices available.
To begin, you might find it helpful to ask yourself the following questions:
- Why do I need a new Bible?
- How will I use it: by myself? only at church? in a small group? in a Bible study group?
- Do I want notes and study tools in the Bible?
- Do I like the traditional sound and language of older translations?
- Or do I want my Bible to read more like a modern book with contemporary language?