We often speak of Jesus’ heavenly father, but what about his father on earth? Find out more about Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father.

The Good Father

Joseph is often referred to as a just man. This meant that he was an observant Jew, that he followed the Law of Moses and lived his life in accordance with the traditions of his faith. He was of the tribe of Judah and most likely came from Bethlehem. He was betrothed to Mary. After discovering that Mary was going to have a baby, Joseph learned from an angel in a dream that the baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit. A short while later the couple married, and when the baby was born, Joseph welcomed him into his family and named him Jesus as the angel in his dream had instructed (Matthew 1:18-25). According to Matthew’s Gospel, Joseph protected his family by taking them into Egypt to avoid King Herod’s plan to destroy all young male children in his realm because of a prophecy he had heard (Matthew 2:13-18).

Joseph is portrayed as a compassionate man who taught Jesus in the ways of being a lover of God. He was a carpenter by trade. It is generally assumed because there is no mentioning of Joseph in Jesus’ adult life that he died before Jesus began his ministry.

Teaching children about faith and setting a good example for them should begin early in their lives. Joseph began his son’s education early. By the time Jesus was twelve he understood so much that he was able to astonish the elders in the temple. In fact, it was at this time that he understood that God was his Father and that his life’s work was to give glory to God. We, as Christians, need to teach the children in our lives the truths of the faith so that they will be able to “be in their Father’s house” as they grow older.

Reflect on the Word

When his parents found him, they were amazed. His mother said, “Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been very worried, and we have been searching for you!” Jesus answered, “Why did you have to look for me? Didn’t you know that I would be in my Father’s house?”

Luke 2:48, 49 (CEV)