God calls his people to care for the poor and oppressed. Romero, a priest in El Salvador, did just that when he demanded that the government act justly toward its citizens.
The Courage of Conscience
A theologically and politically conservative priest, Oscar Romero was “radicalized” when he witnessed the brutal treatment of the people and clergy in his country, El Salvador. For many years, Romero had served quietly in parishes and seminaries where he often spoke out against priests who advocated Liberation Theology. In part because of his political conservativism, he was made a bishop in 1970 and appointed Archbishop of San Salvador in 1977. At that time, no one thought that this quiet priest would soon become a powerful spokesman for justice, and a martyr.
Oscar Romero saw the turmoil that oppression brought upon his people. After the murder of a priest and former student by right-wing death squads, the archbishop began to call the government to account. He called for soldiers to disobey illegal orders from their officers. He knew that an order for his assassination had been given. He did not hide or shirk from his duties as archbishop. At a service on March 24, 1980, shortly after his sermon he was gunned down in church.
Sometimes Christians must act according to their conscience even though they know it will bring them into conflict with those who misuse power. The ultimate sacrifice may be laying down one’s life for the faith-martyrdom. While sacrifices like Romero’s may be rare, Christians are always called to speak in the name of truth and justice. Whether it is the observance of a strong moral sense in one’s daily life, the whistle-blowing that is necessary for truth to be honored, or involving oneself in issues that can advance the care of others, Christians must often act to bring about God’s justice in the world. It is part of affirming our faith.
Reflect on the Word
I chose you to bring justice, and I am here at your side. I selected and sent you to bring light and my promise of hope to the nations. You will give sight to the blind; you will set prisoners free from dark dungeons. My name is the LORD! I won’t let idols or humans share my glory and praise.
Isaiah 42:6-8,(CEV)