What does the Bible have to say about Mary Magdalene? Use this devotional guide to find out.

Just who was this remarkable disciple who has come to be known as Mary Magdalene?

Identified by her place of origin, Mary Magdalene was from Magdala, a small town located on the western shore of Lake Galilee, south of Capernaum.

She appears in all four canonical gospels. In Luke’s Gospel, Mary Magdalene is the first person mentioned in the listing of women who supported Jesus’ ministry out of their own financial resources (Luke 8:2,3). Matthew (27:56) and Mark (15:47) specifically name her as one of the witnesses to Jesus’ crucifixion. In John’s Gospel, she is the first person to have seen Jesus after he was raised from death (John 20:11-18). Mary’s telling the disciples that “she had seen the Lord” has earned her the distinction of “apostle to the apostles.”

While Mary from Magdala has oftentimes been identified as the “sinful woman” in Luke 7:36-50, her formal introduction by name into the Lukan narrative two verses later in chapter 8 has been cited by scholars as evidence for disputing this characterization of her. If her identity had been known prior to chapter 8, there would have been no need for such an introduction. Yet, based on Luke 7:36-50, notions about Mary being a former prostitute began to surface in the sixth century and eventually became part of Church tradition that continues to this very day.

Pause and Reflect

Click on to these Scripture texts and learn what the Bible tells us about this “apostle to the apostles.” Reflect on these passages. Some questions are provided to prompt your thinking.

Among Those Who Helped

Read: Luke 8:1-3

Reflect: From this brief introduction, what is your impression of Mary Magdalene? What are your thoughts concerning the “seven demons” that had once possessed her?

Following Jesus to Golgotha

Read: Matthew 27:45-66 and Mark 15:33-47

Reflect: Imagine yourself as Mary Magdalene. What would you be feeling? What would you be seeing while maintaining a vigil by the cross?

Is Seeing Believing?

Read: Luke 24:1-12

Reflect: As they approach the tomb, what might Mary and the women be thinking? What do they encounter at the tomb? How do they react? What do they remember (Luke 24:8)? How do the apostles react to the news the women tell them?

Announcing Good News

Read: John 20:1-18

Reflect: Describe Mary’s thoughts and emotions upon encountering the empty tomb. What does she do? How does Mary first react when she sees Jesus? What does she tell the disciples? If you were Mary, what might you have said?



Lord Jesus, you are alive! You have wiped away my tears, and my heart is filled with joy! I thank and praise you for being my Savior. Help me to be a faithful witness like Mary Magdalene, proclaiming the good news of your resurrection and inviting others to become your followers. Amen.