Hebrews 11 is often mentioned as the “Faith Hall of Fame,” because it contains a list of the faithful throughout the Old Testament. Check out this list of these giants of faith and see where they appear in Scripture.
Abel |
Adam and Eve’s second son, younger brother of Cain. Cain killed Abel when Abel offered a better sacrifice to the Lord. |
Offered the best parts of a lamb as a sacrifice to the Lord |
Gen 4.1-16 |
Enoch |
Little information is given about Enoch in the Bible. Instead of saying he died, the Bible says that God “took him away.” |
“truly loved God” |
Gen 5.21-26 |
Noah |
Son of Lamech and great grandson of Enoch. His name sounds like the Hebrew word for “comfort.” |
Believed God’s warning that God was going to destroy the evil people of the world in a flood. Built a large boat (ark) as God commanded to save his family and animals. |
Gen 6.1–9.17 |
Abraham |
A descendant of Noah’s son Shem and the son of Terah. Husband of Sarah and father of Isaac. He was named Abram at birth, but God changed his name to Abraham which sounds like the Hebrew for “father of many nations” (Gen 17.4-5). |
Left the security of his homeland, when God called him to go to a new land where God would give him many descendants. |
Gen 12.1-9; 17.1-8; see also Rom 4 |
Sarah |
Wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. She was originally named Sarai but God changed her name to Sarah (both names mean “princess” (Gen 17.15). |
Was too old to have children, but she had faith that God would give her a child anyway. |
Gen 18.1-15; 21.1-8 |
Isaac |
Abraham and Sarah’s son. Although Abraham had a son by his wife’s slave Hagar, Isaac is called Abraham’s “only son” because he was born as the result of God’s promise to Abraham. |
Gave a blessing to his sons Jacob and Esau |
Gen 27.1-40 |
Jacob |
Son of Isaac and Rebekah, and twin brother of Esau. His name was changed to Israel (Gen 32.22-28) which means “a man who wrestles with God.” The twelve tribes of Israel were named after his sons. God’s promise to Abraham and Isaac was repeated to Jacob (Gen 28.13-15). |
Blessed his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh (Joseph’s sons) |
Gen 48.1-22 |
Joseph |
Son of Jacob and Rachel. He was sold by his brothers to a passing caravan of traders and taken to Egypt where he became an important official in the kings court. |
Used his position in the Egyptian government to save his family when they went to Egypt during a time of famine in Caanan. Also, trusted that God would lead the Hebrew people of Israel out of Egypt. |
Gen 37~50; especially 50.22-25. |
Moses |
A Hebrew born in Egypt who was adopted into the royal household. The Lord appeared to him and commanded him to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt. Later the Lord gave him the Law on Mount Sinai. |
Refused to be considered the king’s grandson; led the Hebrew people out of Egypt; celebrated Passover. |
Exod 1~15; 19~34 |
Rahab |
A Canaanite prostitute who lived in Jericho before the Israelites conquered the city. |
Helped two Israelite spies escape Jericho so they could make a report to their commanders. |
Josh 2.1,3; 6.21-25 |
Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah |
Leaders (also called “judges”) of the tribes of Israel before Israel had a king. |
Performed acts of heroism and helped the Israelites to gain control of the land (Canaan) promised to Abraham and his descendants. |
Judg 4~16 |
David |
A great warrior and Israel’s greatest king. He made Jerusalem the capital of Israel and had the sacred chest brought there. He was the father of Solomon, a wise king who built the first temple in Jerusalem. |
Slew the giant Goliath and helped the Israelites to conquer Canaan. |
1 Sam 16.1–1 Kgs 2.11; especially, 1 Sam 17 |
Samuel |
Samuel was a prophet and the last judge of Israel. He poured oil on the heads of Saul and David to show that God had chosen them to be kings of Israel. |
Led the people of Israel as a judge and prophet. |
1 Sam 1.1–1 Sam 25.1 |