Crowds flocked to Jesus during his earthly ministry because he often healed the sick, cast out demons and performed other miracles. Check out this list of Jesus’ well-known miracles and where they occur in Scripture.



Turns water into wine

John 2.1-11

Orders the wind and waves to be quiet

Mark 4.35-41

Walks on water

Matthew 14.22-33

With five loaves and two fishes, feeds a crowd of about 5,000 people

Matthew 14.13-21

Raises Lazarus to life

John 11.17-44

Raises a dead girl to life

Matthew 9.18-26

Gives sight to a man born blind

John 9.1-41

Cures the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years

Matthew 9.20-22

Cures a man of evil spirits

Mark 5.1-20

Heals ten men with leprosy

Luke 17.11-19

Heals a crippled man

Mark 2.1-12

Heals a man who was deaf and could hardly talk

Mark 7.31-37

Heals the high priest’s servant after the man’s ear is cut off

Luke 22.49-52