The Thanksgiving season reminds us to express appreciation for the bountiful blessings we receive from God, the giver of all good gifts. Find verses and prayers honoring and giving thanks to the Lord.

Reflect on the ways God has blessed your life throughout the year – how God has answered prayer and provided hope.

A Time of Thanksgiving

From the heartfelt prayers of the biblical psalmist to the proclamations of powerful presidents, these Thanksgiving resources show that gratitude is an attitude of the heart… 

Time of Thanksgiving

“How good it is to give thanks to you, O LORD,
to sing in your honor, O Most High God,
to proclaim your constant love…”
Psalm 92.1, 2a, GNT

The Thanksgiving season reminds us to express appreciation for the bountiful blessings we receive from God, the giver of all good gifts. In times gone by, our forebears and our leaders proclaimed God’s goodness across our nation. Today we, too, can cultivate an attitude of gratitude with these resources that uplift praise and thanksgiving to our gracious and benevolent God…

Turning to Scripture

  • Psalm 67: A Communal Prayer of Thanksgiving
  • Psalms of Praise and Thanksgiving

Historical Perspectives

  • Origin of Thanksgiving in the United States
  • Elias Boudinot Resolution
  • Proclamation of President George Washington
  • Proclamation of President Abraham Lincoln

Activities and Devotions

  • Celebrating Thanksgiving (family and church school activities)
  • Discussion and Reflection (devotions based on five Scripture readings)

Give Thanks for God’s Blessings

Many of the psalms in the Bible express thanks and praise to God. 

This collection of Psalms express thanks and praise to God. Click on the Psalm title to view the full text.

Psalm 100
[A psalm of praise.]
The LORD Is God
Psalm 103
[By David.]
The LORD’s Wonderful Love

Psalm 145
[By David for praise.]
The LORD Is Kind and Merciful

Psalm 146
Shout Praises to the LORD

Psalm 147
Sing and Praise the LORD

Psalm 148
Come Praise the LORD

Psalm 149
A New Song of Praise
Psalm 150
The LORD Is Good to His People

Thanksgiving Activities

Fun and creative activities to help you and your family celebrate thankfulness for God’s blessings. more…

Thanksgiving Poster

Supplies needed:  Poster board; scissors; glue or paste; old magazines; markers.

Create a poster based on a psalm of praise and thanksgiving.  Across the top of the poster board write the title.  For example, for Psalm 148, write “Come Praise the LORD.”  Look for pictures that illustrate items that are mentioned in the psalm and affix them to the poster board.  Display the poster where you gather for devotions or for your family meal.  Recite the psalm as a thanksgiving blessing.

Thanksgiving “Praise Notes”

Supplies needed:  Bible; 8-1/2” x 11” construction paper (assorted colors); stickers and/or glitter (optional); scissors; pens or pencils; markers; crayons; scissors; glue or paste; old magazines; basket (or bowl); small slips of paper.

Write the name of everyone in your household on a piece of paper.  Fold the papers and place them in a basket or bowl.  Invite everyone to draw a name and then prepare a “Praise Note” for that person.  To make a praise note, fold a sheet of construction paper in half and decorate the front with stickers, glitter, or pictures cut out from magazines (or a picture may be drawn with markers or crayons).  On the front write, “In Praise of You!” and on the back write, “Thank God for You!”  On the inside, write a note of thanks, praising that person for something special he or she has done during the past year and letting that person know he or she is a blessing to you.  Encourage everyone to “deliver” their praise notes on Thanksgiving Day and incorporate these notes into a prayer of thanksgiving during family devotional time.  Conclude by reading together Psalm 65; and at the end of the reading, invite everyone to respond together, “OUR GOD, YOU DESERVE PRAISE!”

Thanksgiving Placemats

Supplies needed:  Bible; Concordance; 8-1/2” x 11” construction paper; markers; pens; old magazines with pictures; scissors; glue or paste.

Invite everyone in your household to reflect on the blessings God has bestowed this year.  With a marker, ask everyone to write the words, “Thank You, God!” across the top of the longest side of the construction paper.  Write two or three blessings underneath (leave space on the paper for a picture and a Bible verse).  Cut out a picture that illustrates the blessings and paste the picture underneath the written words.  Use a Concordance and a Bible to find a Bible verse that offers praise or thanks to God, and write the verse underneath the picture.  (The Psalms offer many examples of praise and thanksgiving.  Example:  Psalm 100:1).  Use the Thanksgiving placements during your Thanksgiving meal, and encourage everyone to share the blessings they wrote as part of your table prayer before the meal.