Christ’s coming is cause for celebration. During the Advent season, use this devotional as a reminder to give thanks for the gift of Christ.
Two Mothers, Hannah and Mary, Offer Praise for God’s Gift of a Son
- Psalm 113
- 1 Samuel 2:1-10
- Luke 1:46-56
Zechariah, Father of John the Baptist, Offers a Prophetic Song at the Birth of His Son
- Luke 1:67-80
Trusting in the LORD’s Promises
- Psalm 130
- Zephaniah 3:14-20
In Praise of God’s Splendor
- Isaiah 35:1-10
- Isaiah 43:18-21
In Praise of the LORD’s Goodness
- Psalm 146
- Psalm 147
- Psalm 148
Offer the Lord Your Thankful Heart
- Philippians 4:4-8
- Colossians 3:12-17
Pause and Reflect
1. What similarities do you see in Hannah’s and Mary’s songs? Has does Psalm 113 relate to their songs?
2. Count the number of times the word “praise” appears in Psalms 146, 147, and 148. Why would the psalm writers have placed such an emphasis on praising God?
3. Of all these songs of praise, do you have a favorite? Why? Try composing your own “song of praise.”
Pause and Pray
Lord God, you refresh my life with your love, and you have put a song in my heart. How happy I am that I belong to you. With a thankful heart I will praise you by