Relationships don’t just happen. You have to get to know someone before you can feel close to them. Good things take time. It took the Israelites over 40 years to understand what God wanted them to do. During this time, they wandered around the desert.

What is a relationship (re-la-tion-ship)?  As you study about Moses, you will read and hear the word relationship. This is a very important word. A relative is someone who is part of your family.  Mothers, fathers, aunts, and uncles are all relatives.  The word relationship comes from the word relative. It means that you are connected to someone else because you have something in common. You want to know the other person better. You have relationships with teachers because you want to learn.  You have relationships with friends because you like them.  You can also have a relationship with God, our creator.

Relationships don’t just happen.  You have to get to know someone before you can feel close to them.  Good things take time.  It took the Israelites over 40 years to understand what God wanted them to do. During this time, they wandered around the desert.
As you begin this Journey with Moses, you will learn how the Israelites learned to trust in and rely upon God.  You will also find out what God wants us to do, too.