Injustice permeates governments, societies and relationships. Yet God calls Christians to actively work for justice in the world. Read more about the value of justice in this meditation inspired by the work of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let justice and fairness flow like a river that never runs dry. Amos 5:24, CEV

Justice, for Dr. King, involved taking a stand against injustice. When pressured to abandon his position on opposing war in favor of alignment with the current administration’s policy, Dr. King stated that he was not a consensus leader but a molder of consensus.


Yesterday I won!

It was easier than I thought. I knew everyone in the group. It was easy to push the right buttons! It was easy to present facts once I’d done the groundwork. Oh yes — the end does justify the means.

Agendas for meetings need to be well defined. The issues need to be clearly spelled out. One needs to know the techniques and the strategies to win. So much good can be achieved if these basic facts are observed when we take on a challenge or work toward a goal. So much can be done as long as people feel that you are including them in the decision-making.

Why worry when we all win? Why worry if you can show that the cause is good?

But WAIT. Did you not see the loss of help in the eyes of some as they watched you engineer consensus? Did you not hear the whisper of fear as you spoke of your achievement? Did you not feel the pain that your strategies helped you win? Did you ever stop to LISTEN?

Achieving consensus can be a positive or negative experience.

It can be used to manipulate or affirm.

It can hurt or heal.

Molding consensus as a response to discipleship in Christ is consensus reached through valuing all people; it is consensus reached by intertwining fairness with justice as springboards to action.


Almighty and ever-living God, source of life and holiness, direct our thoughts and actions this day by the inspiration of your spirit.

Guide us by the light of your gift of faith. May we proclaim your presence among us.

Guide us by your gift of hope. May we never become discouraged so as to betray our trust in you and the trust you have placed in us by gifting us with life.

Guide us by your spirit of charity. Remove from our midst any self-seeking or selfish desires so that we may be truly open to embrace all peoples in mutual love and respect.

We call out to you and ask your blessing.

We make this prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.