They were the rebels of Palestine. Read about who they were and what they believed in.
The Maccabees, as discussed earlier, insisted that the Jewish people have their own king. They were defeated when the Romans took over the land in 63 B.C. Later attempts to win freedom and create an independent Jewish state failed in A.D. 70 and again in A.D. 135. The Jewish nationalists who tried to organize the revolt against the Romans were called Zealots. Scholars disagree about whether this term applies to a single, well-organized group or to any number of groups of dissatisfied Jews who wanted to be rid of their Roman rulers. At one time, this term also meant “someone who was strongly devoted to God and God’s Law.” The CEV translates zealot as “Eager One.” In the New Testament, the term is even applied to one of the followers of Jesus (Luke 6.15; Acts 1.13)