At just 10 years old, Lucy already understands the urgent need for Bibleless people to receive God’s Word, as she says, “So they can go to heaven!”

When she read a letter from the Bible Society that explained how just $5 can provide a Bible for someone in need, she exclaimed, “I have $5!”

But she didn’t stop there. With her birthday fast approaching, Lucy asked her friends and family to help her help others by giving to place Bibles in waiting hands and hearts.

Lucy decorated a special jar for the day of the party and placed it, along with a handwritten note (pictured), on a table for her guests to contribute. She collected $25 for Bibles. Then she sent her donation during a special matching gift opportunity, tripling her gift to provide 15 Bibles!

We thank the Lord for Lucy, and for everyone who truly understands the urgent need to share the Bible with waiting hands and hearts around the world!