Cheng* is just like so many fathers who love their children. But when his children left home, he knew they were unlikely to return to live in their village again. He sunk into a severe depression, and he was unable to work to help support himself and his wife, Huang*.

But when a neighbor told him about God’s Word, the pain in Cheng’s heart began to go away. He wanted to hear more and heal his heart with the message of Jesus Christ in Scripture. Through the support of generous friends, Cheng and Huang received a Bible.

Cheng was overjoyed to be able to read more of God’s Word. He says, “Though my wife was not yet a Christian, she listened as I read, and we prayed.”

Then, Huang became sick. This terrified Cheng, as their village did not have good medical care available. As a last hope, Cheng says, “We prayed, asking God if He might heal her.”

Eventually, Huang’s condition improved. Cheng says, “God not only chose to heal her physically, but He chose to bring her to faith as well. It is God who has changed me. I read my Bible to my wife until her life was also changed.”

The ongoing support of our faithful partners brings hope for now and eternity to people in China like Cheng and Huang.

*Names changed for privacy