After both of her parents were killed in an accident, 8-year-old Cherifa* had to live with her uncles. Life in West Africa can be challenging, but it became even more difficult for Cherifa at that point. She often went hungry, and eventually, she fell into the trap of selling herself just to make enough money to purchase food.
Though Cherifa was raised Muslim, she found solace while visiting her next-door neighbor, a pastor’s wife. When a group of teenagers began gathering there to listen to the audio Bible, Cherifa was intrigued and asked if she could join them.
“I will never forget the day I heard that God wants me to be free,” she recalls with delight. “Since the day I gave my life to Jesus, I no longer sell myself. Without listening to the audio Bible, perhaps I would already be dead.”
Cherifa says the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John changed her life: “I am the bread of life . . . Those who come to me will never be hungry; those who believe in me will never be thirsty” (John 6:35 GNT).
Thanks to the generosity of friends like you, Cherifa had a chance to hear the Gospel and surrendered her life to Jesus! You are helping to share God’s Word where it is needed most around the world.
*Names changed to protect privacy.