Julieta* and her young son Marcos* have struggled to survive through the countless trials they have endured together. Their struggles are familiar to families like them in Argentina, where nearly half the population lives in poverty.

“It’s always been just the two of us against the world,” Julieta says. “It has been hard because I always have to go to work, and he has to go to a friend’s house or my mom’s house while I’m at work. It isn’t easy for any of us.”

But thanks to our faithful partners, Marcos, Julieta, and nearly 100,000 Argentinians just like them have received hope through God’s Word.

“Knowing more about God has been very good for us both,” Julieta says. “It has made me more grateful, and the Bible has restored my hope for my son’s future.”

Young Marcos is also glad to have his own Bible. He says, “My mom reads the Bible to me and shows me pictures of Jesus and his friends, and says that Jesus is also our friend.”

Julieta adds, “Since we were given a Bible, we read together a different story from the Gospels every night. We enjoy having that time together.”

We are so grateful for our partners for helping families in Argentina grow in their faith in Jesus through the Bible.

*Names changed for privacy