Daniel* is one of the many Haitians who live in extreme poverty, and who struggle to obtain a Bible of their own. Hardships like hunger, illness, natural disasters, and personal loss are all made even more difficult without Scripture to turn to when life brings pain and uncertainty. This, Daniel knows all too well.
Daniel had his own Bible once, but frequent flooding damaged it. For years, he struggled all alone without Scripture, dealing with natural disasters and hardships like the sudden loss of his best friend — all without the comfort of God’s Word.
But the support of our faithful partners brought Daniel to God’s Word and lifted his heart up with his own Bible.
“It was a blessing, and I’m so grateful to receive a Bible. This Bible will be my compass,” Daniel says. “It allowed me to recommit to staying connected with God and going to church every Sunday. It was as if God gave me a sign to resume my Christian walk.”
Daniel also watched the JESUS Film, thanks to the support of friends like you. He says, “I was really captivated by the JESUS Film. It inspired me to change certain aspects of my life. It also allowed me to reconnect with God, that day I received a Bible.”
The continued support of our friends puts Bibles in the hands of people like Daniel who yearn for God’s Word for eternity.
*Name changed for privacy