Literatura Apocalíptica

La palabra «apocalíptica» viene de la palabra griega apokalypsis, que significa revelación o develación. En la Biblia, Daniel en el Antiguo Testamento y Apocalipsis en el Nuevo Testamento son los más claros ejemplos de literatura apocalíptica. Hay muchos libros del mundo judío y cristiano que pueden clasificarse como tales… Read More

Cómo se formó la Biblia

La Biblia es como una pequeña biblioteca que contiene muchos libros escritos por diferentes autores. La palabra «Biblia» viene de la palabra griega biblia, que significa «libros». Pasaron 1100 años para que todos estos libros fueran escritos; y muchos años más, para que la lista de libros que ahora… Read More

Clement of Rome

He was an early church father and a contemporary of the apostle John. But what did Clement do and why is he important? Find out now. Clement of Rome is one of the earliest apostolic fathers of the Church. He lived during the time immediately after the apostles of… Read More

About The Da Vinci Code

Find out about the novel The Da Vinci Code from a scholarly perspective. An Interview with Professor Charles W. Hedrick Charles W. Hedrick is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Missouri State University. Among his many publications are The Apocalypse of Adam (Wipf & Stock, 2005), Many Things in Parables: Jesus… Read More

Why are the early Christian writings important?

What weight do early Christian writings have in biblical scholarship? Find out in this interview with Scott Elliott, Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship about ancient texts and the Da Vinci Code. During an interview, Mr. Scott Elliott, then a Bible scholar at the Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship, was asked… Read More