Guía de estudio bíblico: Levítico

¿Por qué Levítico es especial? El nombre de este libro en las escrituras hebreas está tomado de la primera palabra del libro, que se traduce como «El Señor habló». «Levítico» es el nombre dado a este libro en la versión griega del Antiguo Testamento (la Septuaginta) y se… Read More

Study Series: Leviticus

A two-page study sheet on the book of Leviticus with discussion questions. Download this resource

Daring People in the Bible: Moses

“Moses dared to follow the Lord no matter what it cost.” An illustration of Moses and a summary of his life. Download this resource

Bible Study Guide: Leviticus

This book could be called the Bible’s “how to” guide for Israelite priests. But Leviticus does not just contain a collection of rules. It explains why obedience and faithfulness to God are important for every individual. What makes Leviticus special? The name of this book in the Hebrew Scriptures… Read More

The Pentateuch

The “Pentateuch” is a term used to describe the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis—Deuteronomy). In the Jewish Scriptures these books are referred to as the Law, or Torah, a Hebrew word that means “guide” or “instruction”. The “Pentateuch” is a term used to describe the first… Read More


The Law refers to the commandments Moses received from God on Mt. Sinai. These instructions governed Israel’s behavior throughout the Old Testament. Read more about the purpose of the Law and how that purpose changed with the coming of Jesus. The Hebrew word that is often translated “Law”… Read More

Yom Kippur

Purity is a key theme throughout Scripture. The festival of Yom Kippur calls the people of Israel to recommit themselves to purity on an annual basis. Yom Kippur, the annual Day of Atonement, with its rich historical, liturgical, and theological traditions, has roots deep in the history of ancient… Read More

Sacrifices and Offerings

Leviticus outlines five different types of sacrifices for the ancient Israelites. Learn more about these sacrifices and see where they are mentioned in Scripture. The laws God gave to Moses and the people required a number of specific kinds of sacrifices or offerings. The objects offered for sacrifice were… Read More