Pursuing the Unity of God in Today’s Fractured World

The Scriptures paint beautiful images of God’s people from every tribe and nation joining together to worship the living God. Revelation 7 gives us an amazing picture of various cultures, languages, societies, and tribes all blending together in the unity and harmony that comes from being part of God’s family. Read More

Honoring America’s Heroes This Veterans Day

Who do you think about on Veterans Day? Perhaps someone in your family gave up everything to fight for freedom. Maybe it was a friend, a neighbor, or a coworker who bravely laid it all on the line to pay the price for peace. There are approximately 20 million… Read More

Your Gift Has Been Delivered

Over 2,000 years ago, your best gift was delivered. God sent his Son down to earth. God with us. Hope in human form. Heaven revealed. Jesus Christ. Through the testimonies found in Scripture, we can visualize Jesus’s humble beginnings in Bethlehem. We can watch his life’s… Read More

Longing for the Lord

A little girl, unable able to sleep, tip-toes into her parents’ room. In the dark of dawn, she digs for a toe under the blanket and tugs. “Mommy! Is it time for presents?!” Like a child awaiting Christmas morning, we, too, get excited in anticipation of things to… Read More

African-Americans Most Bible Engaged in the U.S.

PHILADELPHIA, Nov.1, 2018—African-Americans have higher levels of Bible engagement than the general U.S. population, which is demonstrated by their beliefs and practices, according to the latest State of the Biblesurvey by American Bible Society. For many African-Americans it is more important to start the day with… Read More

A Spiritual Companion for the Suffering

An American flag, a Bible, and prayer. It’s how a Veteran named Dave ministers to those in need at a hospital in Maryland. Dave volunteers as the hospital’s Spiritual Companion, responsible for bringing comfort and care to the sick and hurting by sharing the hope of God’s Word. Read More

Celebrating Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Happy Independence Day! It was 242 years ago when the Continental Congress voted to declare independence from Britain. Together, the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, penned by Thomas Jefferson. Within it are these words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are… Read More

Quiet Time

When I was in high school, I had the habit of reading the Bible in bed at night. I’d hold my Bible up over my eyes, and as I got sleepier and sleepier, the verses would get closer and closer to my face. Most mornings, I’d wake up feeling… Read More

Bibles in Floods and Fires

Peace for Americans Who Lost It All You wake to the smell of smoke. You open your bedroom door to see flames climb up the walls of your staircase, engulfing your treasured family photos. Your heart catches in your throat. Your eyes sting. You rush… Read More