Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.
These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

Beauty from Ashes
Photo by Timothy J. WalshQ: What is the purpose of the Trauma Healing Advisory Council, and what do you anticipate will be accomplished through it? Our purpose is to guide ABS as it refines its programs, materials and training processes related to the care of individuals traumatized by war, rape, genocide and natural disasters in the Great Lakes region of…
Back from the Edge
(Photo by Jock Foo.)For much of his life, Ting was gripped in the jaws of addiction and would do anything to get his next fix: steal, rob, even murder. On the run from authorities in his hometown of Pu-er City, Yunnan Province, he moved from city to city, disengaged from his family, himself and God. But God was not disengaged…
Yearning for a New Day
Haitian Children at the Christian Institute, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. (Photo by Rhoda Gathoga) She's clad in a red and white checked shirt and a navy blue skirt, her hair braided in three ponytails. Her feet sport black shoes and white socks raised to the ankle, and her face and alert eyes convey confidence despite her circumstances. Marie Lunie Laventure, at 9…
Healing Lives in DRC
Women in Goma pray for healing. (Photo by Timothy J. Walsh) American Bible Society, in collaboration with the Bible Society of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is launching trauma counseling for women ravaged by war. In nine cities in Eastern DRC, people will learn trauma healing techniques that will help survivors understand the biblical concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Precious in God’s Eyes
In biblical times, lepers were considered unclean and unworthy of human touch. Women who have been raped in the DRC bear that same stigma.Often, they are rejected by their husbands, families and communities. For the estimated 200,000 women who have been raped in DRC, this rejection fills them with even greater shame.“When a woman is raped, her body becomes the…
God Set Them Free
A small group of inmates holds prayer during their Bible study. Photo by Chris Leaman.In the minds of many, prisons are one of the last places people go to find hope. Television news reports often show the poor living conditions, the overcrowding and general lack of humanity the incarcerated must endure every day.In the midst of such despair, prisoners often…
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