Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.
These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

A Short History of the Bible in China
The President of Wesley Theological Seminary welcomed more than 500 guests to the October opening of the “Bible Ministry Exhibition of the Protestant Church in China” in Washington. The crowd applauded thunderously when Rev. Gao Feng, president of China Christian Council (CCC), announced that “more than 400,000 believers in China are baptized each year. Although it is hard to fully…
God's Spirit Hovers Over China
Elder Fu Xianwei, Chairman of the Three-Self Patriotic MovementBarely more than 30 years ago, printing a Bible in China was illegal. Yet later this year, Amity Printing Company in Nanjing will roll its 100 millionth Bible — legally — off the printing presses. This event is nothing short of miraculous.When God's Word goes out into the world, it does not…
Fall 2011 International Update
*Name changed for security purposes Dian and friends singing Scripture songs in Sena. (Photo by The Seed Company.)Ghana: Singing Scripture By Heart Dian* loved to sing, but she was tired of church songs in other languages: Malawi or Shona. She sang along with the rest of the congregation, but she knew almost no one understood what they were saying. As…
‘Thy Word is the Truth’
This exhibit focuses on more than a thousand years of Bible work and the development of the Church in China. It was organized to foster mutual understanding of the churches in China and America. Seminars will be conducted that cover themes such as church life, social services and theological education. This exhibition is on tour now in the following venues:…
Back from the Edge
(Photo by Jock Foo.)For much of his life, Ting was gripped in the jaws of addiction and would do anything to get his next fix: steal, rob, even murder. On the run from authorities in his hometown of Pu-er City, Yunnan Province, he moved from city to city, disengaged from his family, himself and God. But God was not disengaged…
Miao and Later
Col. Jack Graham III pictured, at lower right, at age 4, with his parents Ella and Jack Graham II, and sister Enid, in Miao costumes, South Yunnan Province, China, in 1935. (Photo courtesy of Col. Jack Graham III) Nearly 70 years after being held at an internment camp in China during World War II, Col. Jack Graham III found himself…
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