
Learn more about how the American Bible Society is providing access to Bible content for everyone in order to satisfy the Great Commission, spreading the Word to every corner of His kingdom.

“Go and preach the good news to everyone in the world.”
Mark 16:15 CEV
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A life transformed through access to Scripture
“The new Bible is everything to me…The Bible will make me a changed man and bring me nearer to God through Jesus Christ.”
John, Central Africa
State of the Bible Research
Seeking to Understand America’s Relationship with the Bible

Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.

These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

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The Lord's Prayer. Different Translations?

The Lord's Prayer. Different Translations?

In some translations, the Lord’s Prayer ends with the verse, “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Why is this phrase not in all translations?—Patrick Bannerman, via e-mailYou are a close reader of Scripture! The phrase is a doxology. It was not included in the original prayer but was added to a later manuscript…

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Jesus Reads the Words of Isaiah

Jesus Reads the Words of Isaiah

In Luke 4.16, 17, Jesus reads the words of Isaiah in the synagogue: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.” What were the rules governing readings in those days?—Will K., Clinton Township, Mich.The reading of the Parascha, or section from the Law, by another person would have preceded the reading of Isaiah by Jesus. There is no way of…

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The Book of Jashar: A Missing Book?

The Book of Jashar: A Missing Book?

There is mention of the Book of Jashar in the Old Testament. Is this a missing book of the Bible?—Joe O., via e-mailThe Book of Jashar is one of the lost source books of early Israelite poetry from the Amarna Age (15th and 14th centuries B.C.). It is excerpted twice or possibly three times in the Old Testament. Jashar is…

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The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

The words “the disciple whom Jesus loved” in John's Gospel, referring to John himself, trouble me. Isn't this the epitome of conceit?— Ms. Caryl A. Reid, Leesburg, Fla.Congratulations on raising a question that has sparked many lively discussions through the years. The traditional view is that the author of John's Gospel is John, son of Zebedee. Another hypothesis is that…

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More Than One Mary?

More Than One Mary?

There seem to be a lot of Marys in the accounts of the Resurrection. Who are they?—Christina Galanes, via e-mailThere were many witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection, but women were the first. Mary Magdalene is the only person who appears in all four gospel accounts. She returned to the tomb on the day after the Sabbath to find it empty. In…

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Cremation and the Bible?

Cremation and the Bible?

What does Scripture say about cremation?—Ms. P. L. WidnerNo preferred method of burial is mentioned in Scripture. One traditional view of burial was influenced by a popular interpretation of statements about the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3.16, 6.19).Since the early 1960s, there has been growing interest in cremation in the United States due to…

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“All who call out to the Lord will be saved. How can people have faith in the Lord and ask him to save them, if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?”
Romans 10:13–14 CEV
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