Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.
These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

Kids Raise Money to Support Bible Ministry
This summer, the American Bible Society is partnering with Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse, Jr. magazine to encourage young readers to support the Bible cause.Clubhouse, Jr. is a magazine and web site for kids that reinforces traditional values and encourages families to take on activities to support worthy causes. The latest issue of Clubhouse, Jr. challenges its 88,000 readers, ages…
Inner-City Youth Experience God's Love
The economic recession in the United States has worsened the situation of disadvantaged residents within inner cities. According to Create Now, a nonprofit arts program for disadvantaged youth in Los Angeles, Calif., nearly 1 million children are abused, neglected or abandoned each year in the U.S., resulting in 2,000 deaths annually. Another 1.7 million runaway or kicked-out youth live homeless…
Shelter and Strength
WOW JAM: During outreaches in New Orleans and Houma, LA, 600 Elementz of Life™ magazines and over 1,900 New Testaments were given to those who made commitments to Christ, including Timothy Bolden with raised arm. Photo by Tonya Wilder-Butts, ABSYou give them something to eat,” was Jesus’ response to his disciples’ suggestion that he send the hungry crowds away to…
Broadcasting Life-Changing Programming
Participants enjoy themselves at a local Remedy.fm promotional event. Activities such as this are credited with the Internet station's reach.Responding to the NeedTeen values and morality are decaying through daily bombardment of negative messages and displays of immoral behavior. In response, Taylor University Broadcasting, Inc., (TUBI, also known as WBCL Radio Network) created a teen Internet station, Remedy.fm. It provides…
A Bible Reading Revival
Brian Robbins works through the E100 Bible reading program. Photo by Throwinglight.comWhat if a program existed in which key readings helped you understand the full narrative import and message of the Bible?Such a program came to life last summer, when more than 130 churches in the greater Philadelphia area tested the American Bible Society’s newly sponsored The Essential 100 (E100).…
On the Reservation
Photo by David Singer“The needs here are staggering,” says John Dillard. This summer John, his wife Tami and their two teenage sons set out for Pueblo Pintado, N.M. — deep in the heart of Navajo country. For the second year in a row, the family was helping run a weeklong daily vacation Bible school for local kids.With rising unemployment, substance…
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