Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.
These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

Saad* was a murderer … an assassin. He wasn’t anyone you think would understand about compassion and love.A ruthless leader of a terror group, Saad carried out assassinations and warfare until one day, he discovered a small group of secret Christians. Although their lives were in danger, they began telling him about Jesus Christ.Later, during a violent skirmish, one of…
70 Lives Transformed at Bible Society Event in Kuwait
Migrant workers in Kuwait face very difficult conditions, and sharing God’s Word of comfort and guidance with the Christians among them is a key part of the ministry of the Bible Society in the Gulf (BSG). At a recent event, 60 migrant workers accepted Christ and 10 were baptized. The BSG reported that a “very great event” took place on…
Refuge and Strength in the Middle East
In early 2016, I had the privilege of visiting Syrian refugees in the Middle East. During my travels, I met countless families who had fled violent unrest in Syria for safer lives in Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey.As I listened to the stories of wounded mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, I thanked God for allowing us to recently launch Bible-based trauma…
God’s Word Brings Comfort, Peace to Middle Eastern Refugees
Sara* was just a young child, but she knew the dangers when the terrorists marched into her hometown of Mosul in Iraq.“We had to leave our house and flee,” she remembers. “We left everything…our toys, books, clothes and we came with nothing in our hands. I was very sad, like all the family, my mother and sister were crying all…
Iraq: Bible-based trauma healing participant ministers to refugees
In March 2016, American Bible Society and its ministry partner in the Middle East, Strategic Resource Group, equipped Iraqi leaders to lead Bible-based trauma healing groups in their communities. One participant from the session, a priest named Father Daniel, has led eight healing groups with 105 total participants since he was first introduced to the program.“It has had a huge…
God’s Word Brings Power to Persecuted Christians Worldwide
Christians around the world are under siege. Children cannot attend school. Families have been driven from their homes. Lives are in danger.Across the Middle East and Africa, violence is rampant. Rebels raid villages with guns and knives in the early morning hours. Militants kidnap children. Families are forced to watch as their loved ones are executed.But thanks to the support…
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