
Learn more about how the American Bible Society is providing access to Bible content for everyone in order to satisfy the Great Commission, spreading the Word to every corner of His kingdom.

“Go and preach the good news to everyone in the world.”
Mark 16:15 CEV
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A life transformed through access to Scripture
“The new Bible is everything to me…The Bible will make me a changed man and bring me nearer to God through Jesus Christ.”
John, Central Africa
State of the Bible Research
Seeking to Understand America’s Relationship with the Bible

Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.

These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

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The Hope of God’s Word Changes Lives in Peru

Bonifacia and her husband live in a thatched hut and barely scrape by raising guinea pigs and chickens. Life hasn’t been easy. Over the years, she has grieved the loss of three of her six children.Bonifacia’s life changed when she received her very first Bible in her heart language. “I am very happy for the Bible in my own language,…

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The Bible Strengthens and Repairs Family Relationships in Peru

Violence was a daily part of life for 31-year-old Anacleta. Her house was “like a hell,” and her domineering husband was abusive.“I didn’t want to continue living like this, and I wanted it to change,” she says.Anacleta’s experience, unfortunately, is not unique. Violence is a part of life for many women and children in Peru. Daily harassment on the streets,…

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Helping Children in Ecuador Meet Jesus Through God’s Word

Little Alina lives in a tiny house in Ecuador, at the foot of a massive snow-covered volcano. Spending so much time in such a remote area, the 10-year-old felt that “God was far away.”Alina was angry and had trouble controlling her behavior. She was mean to people. Her sister thought she didn’t love her because Alina treated her so poorly.…

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Pray Around the World

Bible Societies around the world are sharing God’s message of hope and love with those who need it most. Here are prayer requests from a select group of these Bible Societies. 1. Guatemala Please pray for Bible Society of Guatemala as it updates the Bible for the Quiché language group. The current Quiché Bible contains an outdated alphabet, which prevents…

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Peru: God’s Word Heals Victims of Domestic Violence

American Bible Society’s generous financial partners are helping bring God’s message of hope and love to families dealing with domestic violence in Peru. Peruvian Bible Society has trained more than 30,000 people to help families prevent domestic violence and to care for one another through the pages of Scripture. This ministry meets a great need; on average, 50,000 domestic violence…

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Abused No More: Sarah Finds Safe Haven in God’s Word

In her short 8 years of life, Sarah* knew little joy. All she knew was poverty, violence, and abuse. “My stepfather used to beat me a lot,” she remembers. That’s when she fled to the streets. When she discovered the streets were even more frightening, it was too late. Saul Sosa of Bible Society of Guatemala says, “In Guatemala, we…

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“All who call out to the Lord will be saved. How can people have faith in the Lord and ask him to save them, if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?”
Romans 10:13–14 CEV
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