Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.
These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

A Mighty Force
The colorful faith of the Russian people is shown in military distribution programs. Photo courtesy of Bible Society in Russia.The Bible Society in Russia was founded in 1813, during the period of history recounted in War and Peace. As the story goes, in 1812 the mighty Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and his 600,000 troops invaded Russia and ran an offense against…
Welcome to Bible World
Children participate in a quiz at the Bible Society of Egypt's “Bible World” attraction in Cairo. Photo by Dag Smemo. Christians are a minority in Egypt and face the challenges of living in a culture where the Qur'an, which was written in Arabic and is considered holy only if it is in the original Arabic, is believed to be the…
Good News for Azeri Believers
Fergana Davudova, 37, holds a copy of the very first complete Bible in Azeri. Photo Courtesy of Kitab Shirketi. June 5 was special for the book company Kitab Shirketi because it was when the very first complete Bibles in Azeri arrived at its offices in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. Kitab‘s director, Gulshan Huseynova, wasted no time and immediately telephoned…
New Translation for Tanzania
The team of translators working on the Datooga-language Bible is trying to harmonize the different dialects involved in the project for the Bible Society of Tanzania.“I saw another angel. This one was flying across the sky and had the eternal good news to announce to the people of every race, tribe, language and nation on earth.” - Revelation 14:6, GNTTanzania’s…
Historic Celebration
At the Amity Press supporters and workers gather at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the new facility. Photo courtesy of United Bible Society The official opening of the new Amity Printing Press was celebrated on May 18 in Nanjing, China. Kua Wee Seng, coordinator of the UBS China partnership, board members of the American Bible Society and…
Slam Dunk Outreach
Local church volunteers wore Take the Word Challenge T-shirts and handed out a special Book of Psalms. Photo by Patricia A. Walker Last November the American Bible Society participated in the first Faith & Family Night at an NBA New Orleans Hornets home game against the San Antonio Spurs. Word Entertainment provided a postgame concert featuring Point of Grace. Peter…
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