Francisco’s* existence was once dominated by severe alcoholism. His addiction ruled his emotions, ruined his finances, and hurt his family. He longed to be free from the bondage but felt trapped: “I walked around like a madman. I received my salary, and it was all spent on drunkenness.” Once his… Read More


Your generosity supports our young recruits with God’s Word as they prepare for their military careers. Basic military training, or “boot camp,” is a requirement for all new enlisted Service Members. It is strenuous and both physically and mentally demanding. Upon completion, many of our brave American heroes will… Read More


Life dramatically changed for Guo* the day he finally received his first Bible. Guo’s parents were Christians, but Bibles are very hard to find in rural China, especially after the Cultural Revolution(1966-1976), when Christianity was severely suppressed and Bibles were destroyed. Without a Bible to help him grow… Read More

“I can’t possibly deliver that many Bibles!”

From the day they met at a church function in 1955, Bill and Winona were in love. They married during their final year of college, and right away, Winona began working with children through Sunday school and other church programs. “She just loved children,” Bill shares. Bill went to work… Read More

She Waited 40 Years to Receive a Bible

For as long as she could remember, Jiao* longed to have a Bible of her own. Almost everyone in her rural village was Buddhist. But Jiao’s parents and grandparents were Christian. Influenced by their faith, Jiao accepted Jesus when she was a young girl. Unfortunately, there were few Bibles available… Read More

“The Bible is Better than Food and Shelter.”

Varsha* has seen much suffering. Growing up in South Asia as part of a minority group, she’s faced extreme prejudice, often living in slums or on the streets. Varsha also suffered many personal tragedies, including the loss of her father and her home. She eventually tried to commit suicide,… Read More

“On the Verge of Dying, I Turned to God.”

Serena’s* world shattered the day her husband died in an accident. Coming from a small village in Southeast Asia, the young couple was very poor. Suddenly widowed with a son to raise on her own, Serena desperately needed to earn a living so they could survive. She began gambling, which… Read More

“Having a Bible is like having Jesus in the House!”

Life has been difficult for 15-year-old Rosalia*. She is the only daughter in a family of seven children born to her father by his three wives. Rosalia lives with her mother and brother in a hut made from grass and mud that also houses their cow, goats, and chickens. She… Read More

“The Audio Bible Was a Great Comfort.”

Every day in the Arabian Gulf, migrant workers must endure awful, life-threatening working conditions — Mahesh* knows this well. While at work, Mahesh was crushed by a beam and narrowly escaped death. He spent a long recovery period in the hospital for his internal injuries, but he only grew… Read More

He Saw a Bright Light Coming from the Bible…

When Arman* was in prison, he learned divination from his cellmate. Once his sentence ended, Arman used those techniques and made his basement a space for fortune-telling. One woman approached him, believing a Bible her older sister had received from the Bible Society had cursed the two of them. Read More