God Loves A Cheerful Giver: 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NKJV
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. Matthew 9:36 NKJV God wants us to give out of generosity, not obligation or need. He…
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How Can Leaders Read the Bible and Be Refreshed?
A new year is upon us, with new opportunities for Scripture engagement in our churches. This is a time of fresh beginnings and optimism. The old has come and gone, and the new is rising up among us. What will the year bring? What promises are hidden in the days ahead?One of the challenges we will face as church leaders…
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As a new believer, Pedro was on fire—but very frustrated. He longed to connect with God in his native Mayan dialect, but the local pastors all preached in Spanish, even though they were Mayan themselves. They had received their seminary education in Spanish, and that was seen as the proper language for ministry. Pedro tried to convince them to use…
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One of the things that pastors should keep in mind when they preach the biblical narrative is to allow the narrative to open us up first. You have to allow the story to start to unfold for people. This use of story is very effective and important for us to understand as we try to connect to the lives of…
READ MOREDoes Prayer Do Any Good?
There was another shooting this week. Our souls ached as the reports trickled in. How many dead? How many wounded? What was the motive? As the news cycle began spinning, we gathered the grisly details. Around the world, people expressed their condolences to the grieving families. Pundits explored the meaning of this latest tragedy. Politicians on the right and left…
READ MORE4 Biblical Prayers for Advent
Advent is a time of hopeful waiting. It gives us pause in the movement of our lives to enter into the biblical story. We remember the long-awaited promise of a Messiah and its miraculous fulfillment. We come alongside the shepherds awestruck in a field, and Mary expectantly nurturing new life in her body. Like those who have come before us…
READ MORE7 Thanksgiving Scriptures You Might Have Missed
If you want to make a Thanksgiving service more engaging, try using some different Bible verses. Of course there are dozens of Psalms that urge us to thank and praise the Lord, and there are several go-to passages in Paul’s epistles, but we use them a lot. The following references are a bit off the beaten track. With the right…
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