God Loves A Cheerful Giver: 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NKJV
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. Matthew 9:36 NKJV God wants us to give out of generosity, not obligation or need. He…
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Prayer Request: New York City
Recently I sat down with our point person for Bible ministry in New York City, Enid Almanzar, to get an update on how God is working through his Word in the “Big Apple.” Here’s a little of our conversation that can guide you in praying for God’s Word to transform lives in New York City: What do you love about…
Answered Prayer: Bible-Based Trauma Healing Prison Ministry Reaches Inmates
Recently, we received a prayer request from our friend Joy, a prison chaplain in the Midwest. Joy was about to host a Bible-based trauma healing workshop with eight women in prison using American Bible Society’s Bible-based trauma healing curriculum. The American Bible Society prayer team prayed for Joy, for this upcoming workshop and for the women in the group. Answered…
Prayer Request: Churches Exploring a New Way to Read Scripture
Reading and studying the Bible is an important part of spiritual growth. Yet many church goers don’t read the Bible on a regular basis. To help change this, we’re partnering with church leaders and Biblica to ignite a renewal of Bible reading in their churches through a program called the Community Bible Experience. The Community Bible Experience takes participants through…
Prayer Request: Accelerating Bible Translation
Today, many people are still waiting to engage God’s Word in their heart language. That’s why American Bible Society is partnering with local translators and Bible translation agencies to overcome barriers that create delays in Bible translation. Together we can accelerate Bible translation by improving training, technology and processes for translation teams around the world. The result? Bible translations are…
Prayer Request: First Complete Sign Language Bible
We long for the day when all people will have access to the life-changing message of the Bible in the language of their heart—including the deaf community. That’s why, together with our partners, American Bible Society is supporting the translation of the first-ever complete American Sign Language (ASL) Bible. The Need There are an estimated 70 million deaf people in…
Prayer Request: Bible-Based Trauma Healing Ministry in the U.S.
Today in the United States, many people suffer the effects of trauma as a result of experiencing or witnessing intense wounds to the body, mind and soul. Whether the trauma is caused by domestic violence, sexual abuse, human trafficking, or addiction, it can leave people with deep heart wounds.But God’s Word brings healing and hope. Bible-based trauma healing uses an…
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