Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.
These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

Chile – 33 Men Saved: Hope in the Belly of the Earth
Omar Reygadas was the 17th miner brought up. After breathing fresh air for the first time in 70 days, he did not hesitate to thank God for saving his life. Photo courtesy of The Bible Society of Chile.One rescued miner, Carlos Mamani, had written on the front of the uniform used to carry him through the escape duct: “Thank you…
Youth 'Take Charge' in Malawi
Students participate in the Take Charge Program along with their teacher, Annie Jere (in purple dress, second right) and Bible Society of Malawi Bible Youth Advocates Project Officer, Miss Silvia Matola (far right). Photo by Rhoda Gathoga.Twelve-year-old Alile carries a basket of food down a dusty road. Two years ago, her father died of AIDS. Now her mother is in…
Going the Distance
73 year-old Yan Hanquan, one of the original translators of the East Lisu New Testament, is overjoyed to see his work finally come to fruition. Photo by UBSCP/Yeo Tan Tan.In thanksgiving ceremonies last fall, church leaders unveiled the newly translated Bible for the Miao and the New Testament for the East Lisu people. The ceremony for the East Lisu was…
Helping the Least, the Lost, and the Lonely
James Macklin, director of outreach for the Bowery MissionJames Macklin, 70, is a modestly dressed, simple black man with short, curly salt-and-pepper hair. He smiles as he shares his life's story, a grandfather-like poise communicating a love for the people around him.“One of my favorite sayings is ‘Never look down on another human being — whether man, woman or child…
Jenny Finds a Bible
Jenny and the Bible she found in Rwanda’s jungle. Photo by Erle S. Deira.Deep in the jungle in Kigali, Rwanda, a few months ago, a torn Bible lay on the ground. Curious, Jenny, pictured, picked it up and hasn't let it go ever since. Here she displays her treasure to her Faith Comes By Hearing® listening group.Although the Bible is…
90 Years, A Labor of Love
Copies of the Miao Bible at its launch at The congregation at a Miao church in Manpo, Yunnan Province, China. Daqing Village Church in Yunnan Province, China, September 2009.The Big Flowery Miao have had the New Testament in their everyday language since 1917, when a missionary named Sam Pollard came to work with them. As the Miao had no written…
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