Scripture engagement leads to knowing God—and lives changed forever. Now more than ever, Americans need to know God’s Word and the hope we have in its transformative message. The State of the Bible is a yearly, in-depth study, asking Americans their opinions and practices relating to the Bible, all made possible by generous supporters like you.
These Bible insights can provide critical information and give you direction for your Biblical ministry to help better serve the needs of people in your community.

National Update Spring 2014
Armed Services Launches Military Bible App for iPhonesThe Armed Services Ministry of American Bible Society announces the launch of its Military Bible Challenge app for iPhones, a state-of-the-art, multi-sensory app in which users can choose their Bible translation and Scripture challenge plan. The app offers the E-100, Brick by Brick (military edition), and 7 Minutes with the Savior, which allows…
Responding to the Bible’s Call
Amanda Olsavsky Hu, coordinator of the She’s My Sister™ bike tours, gets ready to ride 558 miles for her sisters in Congo. Photo by Chris Pochiba. In the height of summer, cyclists braved heat, rain, emotional exhaustion and physical fatigue as they rode for the women and children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in American Bible Society’s She’s…
READ MOREThe Power of Conversation
In the heart of Manhattan, the Atrium at American Bible’s Society’s headquarters is a space where people can encounter the Scriptures in unexpected ways: through iPads, smart tables, community and conversation. As part of its effort to engage people through conversation, ABS featured its first Q Cast in mid-June. Gabe Lyons, founder of Q Ideas, partnered with ABS to offer…
God’s Word for the Next Generation
Visitors interact with God's Word in the ABS Atrium in New York City. Photo credit: Ben Leaman Around 4 million children will be born in the United States this year. They will enter a world that is being transformed by technology. Toddlers now color with iPads instead of crayons and coloring books. For elementary students, laptops are replacing paper and…
Summer 2013 National Update
ABS Armed Services Ministries launched their new website featuring free Bible and ministry resources for members of the military community.Is Your City Bible Minded?When it comes to U.S. cities that embrace the Bible, Knoxville, Tenn., tops the list. A newly released ranking from American Bible Society finds Knoxville residents have the highest combined levels of regular Bible reading and belief…
Serious about change? Open up the book of Acts
Leaders from American Bible Society, The New York City Leadership Center, Concerts of Prayer Greater New York and a large Hispanic network—CONLICO gathered together at the ABS headquarters in New York City on Pentecost Sunday, May 19th, to launch this year’s collaborative effort: Now is the Time: Acts. Leaders from American Bible Society and This new thirty-day Journey through the…
READ MOREShare Scripture where it’s needed most
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