Finding Peace and Rest Amidst Social Media Noise: Psalm 3:4-6 NKJV
I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. Selah. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around. Psalm 3:4-6 When we are overwhelmed or afraid, we can find rest and…
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Praise God! Blind Students in Kenya Receive Their First Bible
What a joyous occasion at Thika School for the Blind in Kiambu, Kenya, as students welcomed their very first Bible! Previously, teachers read the Bible to visually impaired students and they took turns sharing one large Brille Bible. But thanks to the generous donation of more than 1,400 Braille Bibles by Bible Society of Kenya (BSK), students now own their…
READ MORE5 Ways to Pray for Your City
The witness of the first Christians is astounding. The small band of Jewish men and women, radically transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, would eventually go on to change the world. But it all began with an incredibly loving community. A community devoted to one another. Listen to how Scripture describes this close-knit community: All the believers continued…
READ MOREPraise God! Burundian Woman Experiences Real Life with Jesus
Nella*, a Burundian woman, was having struggles at home. She quarreled with her husband. She quarreled with her children. There was no peace in her home because of the constant quarreling. Although Nella is a Christian, she didn’t read her Bible much. She could spend many days without reading it. Nella didn’t even attend church very often. “I was spiritually…
READ MOREThe Prayer Snapshot: “New Year New Hope”
In Ezekiel 37 God asks, “Ezekiel, son of man, can these bones come back to life?” (verse 3 CEV). Standing in a valley full of dried up human bones, Ezekiel pondered the question. It seemed like a trick question. How can something that is dead come back to life? This vision took place while Israel was in Babylonian captivity. These…
READ MOREThe Devastating Effects of Covid-19 on the Persecuted Church
More than 340 million Christians- that’s 1 in 8- face high levels of persecution and discrimination because of their faith, according to the 2021 World Watch List compiled by Open Doors. Now Covid-19 has increased their vulnerability to even more discrimination. In nations where Christians face the most pressure for following Jesus, they are being refused aid. They are often…
READ MORENew App Shares the Bible’s Message of Hope with the World
Thank you for praying for people around the world to engage God’s Word via the new Bible2020 app. Created last year by the Scottish Bible Society, Bible 2020 was designed to bring people together to read, hear, and speak the words of the Bible. And it did just that! More than 5 million Bible passages have been shared globally by…
Share the Bible where it is needed most.